(Story extract)
We trotted through the cubicles, checking the filing cabinets and desks for any clues. Finding nothing, we headed upstairs, being greeted by more old, dilapidated offices. Twintails finished off a pair of roaches with his pistol — thanks for the tinnitus, Twintails — as I opened the door to what looked like an executives office. Huh, maybe in h-eep! I leapt back in surprise, finding a skeleton lying in the center of the room. It didnt possess any bones suggesting a horn or wings, and it looked as if it was clutching a Holotape in an outstretched hoof. I gingerly removed it as Twintails trotted up behind me.
Minty, what's wrong!? Are you… who the heck is that? He asked, moving up to the lone skeleton, poking at the bridge of the nose on the skull. He jumped a bit as it fell over, making the room fill with bones rattling. Ah… you think it was the original owner, or something? I shrugged, allowing the Holotape to download onto my Pip-leg. An audio file appeared, and I let it play. The voice was… distinctly not pony in origin, a heavy, foregin accent sticking to it. I knew I've heard that diction before…
Agent 014, your objective is to locate and retrieve weapon schematics held by the R&G company. This holotape contains the password to one of the owners computers. Download the information and return to base. The will of the people be with you. My eyes burst wide open, memories of days in the Stable's school rushing into my mind — the posters, the scary stories on Nightmare Night, the videos, the audio recordings… and now this. This confirmed everything.
Goddesses above, Ihatezebras.