Gotta have that group of troublemaking orphans! These guys appeared in my story "Helpless" but I never really designed them. They are old friends of Annie's and former Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're pretty good ponies but they tend to be a bit mischievous when together.
From left to right:
Lucky Star (Lucky):
Lucky is your typical bishonen guy. He's rather polite, classy, charming, poetic and a definite pretty boy. That being said it's no wonder he's widely loved by many mares. Though he has all these mares after him, he has his heart set on Annie. His charm goes down the drain when around her and he becomes real awkward. After Annie and T began going out, he laid off a bit. He's the follower of the little trio. He just does whatever Hot Head and Amber Lily want to do.
Hot Head:
If you thought Prism was bad, well, this guy is worse. Hot Head is a total hot shot and a lot like Prism but more dedicated and hardworking and way more annoying. He tends to finish other's sentences and changes the subject really quick by ignoring questions and moving on to a new topic. He's incredibly impatient. Hot Head is quite the flier and often outdoes Prism in whatever they do just barely. He does things bigger and better (even when it comes to injuries). The two of them tend to butt heads a lot and are rivals. The strongly dislike each other. Hot Head even had the nerve to make a move on Whirlwind not too long after she and Prism broke up. Though Hot Head is a jerk, he cares deeply for those he is cose to, including Annie. He is pretty protective of her and wasn't very keen on the idea of her and Turquoise being together. He feels like (assumes) T is too dangerous for her to be around.
Amber Lily (Amber):
Amber used to be very sweet but she grew up to be rebellious and snarky. A pretty bad influence to little fillies. She's a very calm, cool, tricky and intelligent mare. Amber is, no doubt, a fun lover and enjoys doing mischevious things. She's irritable and she's got a low tolerance for stupidity which causes her and Hot Head to argue a lot. Though he is the leader, she keeps the boys in check. She is like Annie's big sister. Annie would have ended up being a lot like a Fluttershy if Amber hadn't been in her life. Anthea got her sense of humor (her inappropro sense of humor) from Amber. Amber comes off as flirty but she claims she isn't looking for a relationship.
If you're wondering where this is coming from all of a sudden, it's from this