My Little Pony: Friendship is a picky eater…
Part 1: A Weekend Away (Part 1) by GarrettheGarret
Part 9: A Weekend Away (Part 9) by GarrettheGarret
Well I'm really having a fun time on my holiday at the moment, a little quality time in sunny Tenerife with my laptop by the pool managed to give me the inspiration to move onto the long awaited Part 10 of the comic, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy enjoy their first [un-romantic] meal together on the sunny shores. Sadly RD forgot that Fluttershy is quite particular when it comes to food…
Also, since my job when I'm at home is working behind a bar, I decided to put my knowledge of alcohol to good use by creating a very complicated Bloody Mary.
If you do have any comments, I probably won't be able to reply for a few days as I only have so much time on this Wifi, me uploading the latest batch of transport pictures and this comic has pretty much usurped the internet from everyone else in the hotel. No wonder that Portuguese family's Skype conversation ended so abruptly… :S