I'm sure you're familiar with the "Reflections" arc of the MLP:FiM IDW comic series. Each one has an opposite counterpart in the alternate mirror universe. All the good guys are the bad guys, and the bad guys are the good guys. I made one with my main OC, Great Sun, as Emperor Icecrown, so I'm going to make mirror versions of others.
This is Tyrex the Omnipotent, the mirror universe counterpart of Lord Tirek.
Tyrannus Rex, also known as "Tyrex the Omnipotent" is a benevolent centaur entity heralded as the Great Titan of Equestria by unknown legends and sometimes considered as the most powerful being in existence. Long ago, as a mortal, he stopped his brother, Scorpan, a demonic from committing atrocious deeds upon everypony and sacrificed himself as a result of Scorpan's ultimate demise. For this, Tyrex ascended into someone greater; a god. Though this mysterious Titan is rarely seen and believed by anypony, all of Equestria feels his presence.
Upvotes at import: 49 | Stars at import: 35 Posted previously at: 2014-08-16T18:57:08 | Posted previously by: WatermelonRat
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