Introducing the bit characters and their bit parts. Vinyl is not alone in her party prison, and the ponies along side her are a diverse and unusual cast.
From left to right:
The Gourmet Judge: She's got legendary taste buds that truly separate the creme from the crepe. In her own spare time, she grows and produces her own ingredients to cook. One thing she is missing, however, is honey, so she departs to the woods in a protective suit to find honey. She succeeds, but a violent storm drives her to take shelter in a haunted house. She is caught in the dungeon and is forced to survive by eating fatty foods. Soon, she is desperate for a hearty meal and will give anything to obtain it…
The Nerdy Bat Pony: Keeps to herself often, but when you strike up the topic of magical monsters, she'll talk your ear off! Her dream goal is to right a book that is the Equestrian version of the Monster Manual. One day, she heads to the Everfree Forest to study its exotic wildlife. Her studies are interrupted when she accidentally ticks off a pack of timberwolves. Her right wing damaged, she hoofs it to the mansion and falls into the trap. Now she has found more monsters to study in the haunted house and wants to make a documentary of the undead while they are still active. Perhaps Octavia could share her professional insight on the zombies, seeing how she is going hoof-to-hoof with them. Yet, she also has another secret wish that's more personal…
The Buff Milk Pony: A hunky, handsome stallion that delivers milk around Manehatten. It's no secret that all the mares want his hot bod, but he rejects them all for somepony who likes him for who he is and not what he is. He receives a notice to make a delivery at a secluded location. He arrives at, you guess it, the mansion. Invited by the master of the house, he steps in and is knocked out cold. Now all he has left is a bottle of milk and a bump on his head. Feeling his number may be up, he wishes that he could feel true love before he dies.
???: Who is this pony? Emaciated, feeble, and almost insane, he's been in the house longer than the other guests that are still living. His intelligence and puzzle-solving prowess has successfully kept him alive from the basement's many death traps. However, his luck is bound to run out sooner or later… Will he escape alive, or will he fall to the hooves of the master.
On another note, I have not yet thought of the names for these OC's. Any ideas are appreciated.
not provided yet