Commission for DonParpan who requested TwiDash and Preening, and let me do with it what I will.
I tried to come up with reasons to justify Dash having a cone of shame, and you know what? My reason is "because I find it funny", which is good enough for me.
I don't think the show's simplistic style transitions well to complex things like preening wings, since the wings are always so simple, it's hard to justify the extra detail, and even then, I'm not sure it translates all that well. That and I'm not sure I like Twilight's face in general. I think it's better to how I originally had it, but I still think it's got a bit of a HURRMURR quality to it, so I may go back in and fix it when I can figure out how.
That all said, this was a great piece to work on, and it being TwiDash makes it especially great. It was funny, and I hope a little cute (still, Twi's face DX). It was a blast to work on, and I thank DonParpan for the opportunity!
If you'd like a commission for yourself, be sure to check out my prices.
(This was uploaded at full resolution with permission from the commissioner.)