Prism: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnghhh
Nidra: Whoa, sad sap alert.
Prism: Huh? Ni I mean, Jet Stream? What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be trying to get with the jolly green giant?
Nidra: Oh ha ha you're so funny. No I'm not. I'm over him already. He's way too dense to even realize what I'm doing.
Prism: Pfft, yeah I could see that.
Nidra: So it seems like we're both loveless, huh?
Prism: Ugggh you know too? Don't remind me.
Nidra: But hey, we don't have to be. Have you ever wondered what it's like to date a princess?
Prism: What?
Nidra: Look, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to flirt and drop stupid subtle hints about this. I like you, okay? You're cute and funny, quite the bad boy and you know how to have a good time. Just my type. I'm just gonna ask you right now if you wanna go out with me.
Prism: I um……. Oh sweet Celestia this came out of nowhere. What do I say? I'm not sure if I like her or not. Well, she's hot…… and pretty cool too. And she's a princess! I may never have this opportunity again! Well, there's Starburst….. Wait, no, that's not the point………. But, I dunno. Oh man, but if I say no, she'll be pissed! There's no telling what she'd do to me! Sure. Yeah. Yeah! I-I'll go out with you.
Nidra: Perfect. My, that was much easier than the whole flirting process was it not?
Prism: Heh yeah I guess it was.
Nidra: Now Prism, have you ever wondered what it's like to kiss a princess?
Prism: W-well I mean, I can't say it's never Mmph!
Whirlwind: Alright, I got this. It shouldn't be that hard. I-I mean, I think he still likes me. Ugh, but then if he doesn't then he'll just think that I'm desperate. Then he'll be like "I told ya so."……………. I'm not gonna do it……………..NO! I have to!
Hot Head: Yo Whilwind! What's up?………………………… Earth to Whirlwind. Heeeelllooooooooooo?
Whirlwind: What?? Oh, it's you. What do you want? I'm busy.
Hot Head: Whoa, sorry. I was just wondering if you wanted to go flying with me. I learned some awesome new tricks and I think you'd really like 'em.
Whirlwind: Like I said, I'm busy. Now lea sees Prism and Jet Stream kissing N-no
Hot Head: What? What are you sees what Whirlwind is looking at Is he cheating on you??!!
Whirlwind: ……………………..Y-yeah….
Hot Head: Well then I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind! begins to stomp over to Prism
Whirlwind: Wait! No! runs and stops Hot Head No he's not. He's not cheating on me. We….broke up.
Hot Head: Seriously? Then, what's the problem?
Whirlwind: Well, we just broke up and I was gonna………… I just thought I meant more to him than that…………. I can't believe he's already with another mare. I don't even know who she is.
Hot Head: You don't? That's Jet Stream. She only comes around these parts every once in a while. But when she does come, she's always around that Turquoise guy and Anthea. I guess Prism's a mutual friend. Every stallion in Ponyville thinks she's hottest chick around. I personally think you're prettier though.
Whirlwind: Um, t-thanks
Hot Head: Look, it's no big deal, okay? Just forget him
Whirlwind: Are you serious? Do you have any idea what it's like to think that somepony loves you and then just….leave you
Hot Head: ………….. I do actually
Whirlwind: Wha….
Hot Head: I thought my parents loved me. Then they just dumped me in an orphanage one day. It sucked
Whirlwind: Oh, Hot Head I'm so sorry I didn't know…
Hot Head: Hey, it's fine. I'm over it. And you should just get over Prism Bolt. You'll feel so much better. Trust me. I mean, you could still be good friends I guess but don't get together with him again and let him hurt you.
Whirlwind: I……………… I won't.
Hot Head: Heh, good. Well, I'll get going now. If you ever need talk to somepony, let me know, 'kay? See ya.
Whirlwind: Wait!
Hot Head: Hm?
Whirlwind: I-I changed my mind. I'd really love to see those cool tricks you were telling me about. Bet they're not as great as mine though.
Hot Head: Oh yeah? Well, we'll just see about that.
Nidra: Well?
Prism: Wow~
Nidra: Whaddya say we head over to Canterlot? There's soooo much more fun things to do over there than in this little town.
Prism: S-sure, I'd like that~
It's all Nidra's fault! Plus Hot Head's not that bad of a guy. Pretty sweet actually