Seriously though, I think Ive lost all hope.
I honestly dont know what M. Night Shyamalan was going for with this movie. I have read on some circles that he was intentionally making a mockery of his own style which, if true, then it makes this movie smarter than it looks.
If he is doing it with a straight face and not as a parody however, then its a very sad, very poor and very desperate attempt at being both relevant and shocking at the same time. That R rating this movie has is not unwarranted, there is a surprising amount of blood for no good reason, and its as cartoony as one can imagine.
Seriously, what is he going for with this movie!? The fact that I cant figure it out is infuriating me, and its full of so much stupid manure I just cant figure out if I should laugh or feel sorry for anyone involved. I had a good feeling at the start of this marathon, it looked like things could only get better, but we are now dangerously reaching the bottom of the barrel. Only a miracle can turn the tables and give this man the dignity he had at the start of his career.
And now, if you excuse me, I have tohang on, there are how many more movies left to review!? Oh, dear Luna on the Moon and the stars. Wheres my towel? I need to throw it somewhere.