I've been meaning to do pics like this for TP's original characters for a long time, but I've just been too busy. Never the less, I actually managed to get one out. Now I know technically Merrilay was in the R.E.A.F. pic, but to be totally honest that color scheme was a complete coincidence and I actually didn't mean her to be any more significant than the other four goons in the air other than being slightly more detailed since she was in the middle. TP noticed her color scheme was like a combination of Big Mac's and Cheerilee's and came up with her back story entirely.
What I like about Merrilay so far is she strikes me as the only character in the entire story to be pure evil. Even the other major baddies like Dinky and Rumble seem to have at least some redeeming qualities: they're the kind of characters where they're almost victims themselves, like under different circumstances they could have easily been good guys themselves. Merrilay seems like the first character who would have turned out evil no matter what, even if the entire bad future had never happened and even if she had her father around.