Appleshy is the harmonization of Fluttershy and Applejack. Fluttershy's natural lankiness and Applejack's stout earth pony body combine to give her a slightly larger physique than a low-level alicorn. Her coat and wings are a blend of Applejack and Fluttershy's colors, though the coat is closer to Applejack's color while the wings are closer to Fluttershy's. Her mane is a strawberry blonde blend and her eyes are a turquoise-green. Her cutie mark is three apples with butterfly wings, connoting her talent working with nature of all kinds, both flora and fauna. She doesn't talk much, partially due to shyness and partially because she fears insulting anypony with a blunt observation, but when things need to be done she's the mare for the job. Her strength and coordination combined with natural grace make her a natural athlete easily able to outmaneuver a pegasus like Rainbow Dash even if, with the additional weight of her earth pony muscle, she can't quite get up to the same speed. She seems to understand both plants and animals on a subconscious level, and her presence can often relax or invigorate the living things around her.