Copied description from original post….
This was only meant to be a simple sketch I swear…. Really….
Yeah I got carried away with the sketch….
Anyways… This is Violet Inferno.
No, she is not some kind of alicorn or whatever… She is just a unicorn wearing an enchanted lunar guard armor which magically gives her bat wings whenever she puts it on.
Why is she wearing the armor and it's not in the traditional shades of blue? Well simple.
I want her to be the Knight of the night.
Now for her back story…
To many this would sound mary sueish but it's still a work in progress….
- She was on orphan
- She lived on the streets as a young filly
- At some stage she was "adopted" By Princess Luna
- She received special training to become a member of the lunar guard
- Over the years she worked her way up the ranks as a strong warrior with good brains for battle
- Eventually she was made a Knight and now helps protects the civilians of Equestria and those who live under the moonlight.
I say "adopted" because she wasn't really taken in as a daughter of the night princess but rather taken under her care.
Violet is very loyal to the royal sisters and will do their command without question, unless there are lives are put at risk but she only questions them when necessary.
Violet is not a great flyer but she does very well in combat. She is very skilled in magic but unlike Twilight, she uses mostly combat spells. However, like Twilight she can learn the other spells just as easily but only when she sees a point in using them. Anything that is not useful on the battlefield she will likely look past it and ignore it. Because Violet Inferno was raised in the castle she is very well educated and when not in uniform, but dressed for the occasional parties (which she hates but goes to anyway as she is expected to), she would be easily mistaken as a high class equestrian. However, outside of her duties and late night parties, she prefers to be a casual pony who loves walking around the streets at night, watching normal life of normal ponies.
Her flaws…. Well since she is still in progress lets see….
She can be too strict, rough and hard on others , but its all in good intention. She doesn't let others in on her thoughts and feelings easily which makes her seem isolated. She find it hard to mix in with normal ponies as she was brought up with a not so normal lifestyle. She can turn out to be a bit snobbish sometimes but she really doesn't mean to, its the way she was brought up to act. She is like a dark horse… very quite most of the times with lots of secrets.
She doesn't give up easily, she's too stubborn for that which often results in her overdoing herself in many situations, getting herself hurt in the process. Her rough character keeps her from mingling with others as they see her as to be too rough and cold. But despite all that she is a good character at heart, its just that she finds it difficulty to make friends because of her job and upbringing.
I got lazy with the background….
Link to the background! which is done by
Violet Inferno is owned by me
Any critique on my character is welcome….. CRITIQUE! Not nasty comments…..
Not that I have ever received any nasty comments but please, if you are going to say something like "Eww, an alicorn, NOPE!" or "I dont like her because (insert some silly reason here)" that is not a critique… Please give proper reason to why….