Older picture
Amber: Hm, this skirt Lucky got me is pretty nice
Hot Head: It's pretty cute I guess
Amber: You should be thankful for it too. I won't need to take my pants off in the house as much
Hot Head: I love it
Amber: * chuckles * I thought so
Hot Head: * spots Whirlwind and Prism * Ah shoot
Amber: What?
Hot Head: It's Prism and Whirlwind
Amber: Whirlwind? * gasps * Whirlwind? Isn't that the girl you like? Let's say hi
Hot Head: NO! Are you crazy? She's with Prism!
Amber: She is?
Hot Head: Well, they're not a couple but they might as well be
Amber: Who cares then? C'mon!
Hot Head: Nonononono!
Whirlwind: * notices Hot Head * Hey Hot Head
Hot Head: * weakly waves back *
Whirlwind: C'mon Prism, I wanna say hi
Prism: Ugh, no thanks
Whirlwind: Behave. It'll only be for a second
Prism: * rolls eyes *
* walk over to Hot Head and Amber *
Hot Head: Aaaahhhh they're coming over! Okay, Amber, you gotta listen to me. Do NOT be yourself. Be mature! Be….. like an actual mom or something!
Amber: Yes sir * stands up straight and puts a motherly smile on her face *
Hot Head: Thank you
Whirlwind: Hey Hot Head. Didn't expect to see you around today. How's it going?
Hot Head: Hehe hey. Yeah, we're just out on a walk. We were gonna go eat somewhere
Whirlwind: Oh fun. Is this your girlfriend?
Hot Head: WHAT?? NO!!! T-this is
Amber: Amber Lily. I'm Hot Head's mother * puts out hand *
Whirlwind: O-oh, nice to meet you. I'm Whirlwind. * shakes Amber's hand *
Amber: * smiles *
Whirlwind: Wow… you seem so……… young. Wait… Hot Head, I thought you were an orphan
Hot Head: W-well
Amber: Thank you my dear! I do try my best to keep myself looking young!
Hot Head: Amber, shut up! * to Whirlwind * She's eighteen and she adopted me a while ago. She's my guardian now.
Whirlwind.: Oh wow. Wait, is this the same Amber you were telling me about before?
Amber: He talks about me? What'd he say?
Whirlwind: Something about loving how motherly you were and a crush from when you guys were younger
Amber: Oh really now? This is new information to me
Hot Head: * groans *
Prism: * chuckles *
Amber: He's told me so much about you too Whirlwind
Whirlwind: Oh?
Hot Head: Amber, don't you dare
Amber: He's always talking about you! He loves your "silver-blue hair and how it blows in the wind, and your cool blue eyes that send chills down his spine"
Whirlwind: * giggles * That's so sweet
Hot Head: Amber, we're leaving
Amber: Don't be rude, sweetie. I'm not done talking. * to Whirlwind * Anyways, I really don't know why you wouldn't go out with him. He's such a sweetheart. He's very polite, he knows how to treat women, he's handsome and a great kisser
Hot Head: AMBER!!! * blushes furiously *
Prism: Pfft, you kiss your mom?
Hot Head: YOU! Stay out of this! I don't
Amber: Oh and he's really good at cuddling! He stays in bed with me after I have a really long day at work or after I party too much
Hot Head: Amber, no more. Stahp
Amber: Shhh, I'm trying to help you get ass
Whirlwind: Pfft * stifling laughter *
Hot Head: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amber: He's never had a girlfriend before. He just needs a little help
Prism: Yeah, I could see that
Hot Head: * grabs Amber's hand * Let's go
Amber: Oh alright. Well it was nice meeting you Whirlwind!
Whirlwind: Nice to meet you too! Bye Hot Head
Hot Head: Bye
Hot Head: I hate you
Amber: Hey, I was just doing what you told me to do
Hot Head: When did I say to embarrass me me?
Amber: You told me to be like a mom. Mom's embarrass their children all the time…… I think. Cut me some slack. I've only had a mom for three years
Hot Head: But I UGGGGGGGH!
Amber: So you had a crush on me?
Hot Head: Not anymore
Amber: Heh. Well, I think my embarrassing worked. Did you see how she was looking at you?
Hot Head: No. I was too busy trying to run away
Amber: Well, I think she thought it was cute how flustered you were. Most girls like the sensitive boys
Hot Head: Do you
Amber: Ew, no. I like strong, manly men. That's not you
Hot Head: Whatever
Prism: HA! Did you see his face the whole time? That was great. I like that Amber chick
Whirlwind: * chuckles * She's pretty cool. Poor Hot Head though
Prism: Are you kidding? It was hilarious
Whirlwind: Oh don't make fun of him. If you where in the same situation…….. wait, now that I think about it, you were!
Prism: What? Nuh-uh
Whirlwind: Oh yes you were! Remember? Right before we started dating, the same exact thing happened! Your mom was there and telling me ALL about your crush
Prism: Noooooo I
Whirlwind: You were SOOOOO embarrassed! You turned completely red! Don't even lie
Prism: W-whatever
Whirlwind: It was really cute though. It's still cute when you get all flustered
Prism: Awww, you think I'm cute
Whirlwind: That's not what I said
Prism: Mmmmmhmmmm
Whirlwind: Shut up
Amber, you need to chill