Rarity took his little nephew and cuddle with him till he fallen asleep.
Rarity: Ow! Poor little Tori He is so tired
Sonya: Tori?
Rarity: Oh! Yes! Its a nickname. The TO comes from Vecto, and RI from Ring.
Sonya: Thats clever
Rarity: It is, isnt it sweet? As sweet as him.
Sonya: Yeah he is good
Rarity: How did you end up here darling?
Sonya: I was I was with some umm friends and Vecto asked for directions so here we are
Rarity: Oh! And your friends?
Sonya: They umm had stuff to do How is he?
Both of them looked down where the brown colt, who was soundly asleep.
Rarity: He is ok You know? He is a great musician He helps his mother when composing, and plays the harmonica so beautifully. When he was eight he performed live with Sweetie Belle.
Sonya: For real?
Rarity: Oh yes He played the piano on her song Sing and let live, and since then, he has always played some instrument in the stage.
Sonya: Wow I could never do that I have stage fright
Rarity: Oh dear! He has stage fright too
Sonya: But he likes to be on stage
Rarity: It is a different type of stage fright He, before every show, breathes in deeply. He does the show like he owns the stage, like he is super confident and is the best of the musicians out there.
Sonya: But that is not
Rarity: But when he comes down, oh dear, his legs cant stop shaking. He hyperventilates and has a panic look on his eyes.
Sonya: Hu?
Rarity: He is not afraid of the stage or the audience; he is scared of what comes next. Is stage fright but after he comes down. He leaves his heart she suited some of Vectos stands of hair and there are lot of ponies judging him every time, and only when he comes down he fears he has done something wrong.
Sonya: That sounds terrifying
Rarity: IT is Ruby-Doobie
Ruby touches Sonyas muzzle with her paw
Ruby: Vecto cous is good!
Rarity and Sonya start to laugh.
Aglow: Is ice still necessary?
Well here it is I just wanted to make a cute little drawing And to be honest I think it is
Also a little of character development doesnt hurt
Hope you guys like it!