Spike: Ok today's the day! I'm gonna tell Pinkie Pie how I feel…I mean come on how hard can it be? spots Pinkie Here I go…Hi Pinkie!
Pinkie: sees Spike and tackles him HI SPIKEY-WIKEY!!
Spike: I think I busted my eardrum…Hi Pinkie…smiles
Pinkie: So…What's up!?
Spike: Uhh….
Pinkie: Uhh…
Spike: Nothing! I meant to say that umm…you look really nice today sighs
Pinkie: Aww thanks! First Complement of the day!
Spike: Really? I'm suprised! You deserved many more complements.
Pinkie: Aww! smiles Thanks! suddenly gasps
Spike: What?
Pinkie: You like me don't you! Rarity was right! I guess I lost the bet.
Spike: Wait.What.How!?
Pinkie: giggles Rarity noticed how smitten you are with me
Spike: What it really that noticeable?
Pinkie: Yup!
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