This is my first paintin' since I've gotten back from break an' I've had some time to mull over what I wasn't likin' about my paintings before. First thing was that I wasn't pushin' my contrast like I needed to. Most of the other paintings in my gallery have really washed out colors, which can be nice, but that's better when done intentionally. With this piece the foremost thing on my mind was gettin' a good spread of values.
This was also my first paintin' using a kinda pony anatomy that I worked out during school. Well, I thought I worked it out, anyways — obviously I need to think about how arms bend, haw. That arm sure does look wonky, but I kinda liked it enough to move on — don't wanna get stuck pickin' at things I can do better the second time around. An' really I'm not too fond'a' the face either, but same thing applies.
Also also, this was my first painting to really involve a background element with the subject(s). Uh, I didn't do that so well on the count'a' I didn't pick the colors for the bench 'til later on in the painting, so Lyra and the bench don't really have much unity, but I'm happy I did it anyways.
Overall? This looks sorta weird, but I actually kinda really like that. Hopefully I can do better on my second winter-break painting though.