Here's the text that inspired the artist to draw this:
>You are a human.
>Sitting on your front yard, enjoying the weather.
>You hear rustling in the bush, followed by a high pitch "Ouchies!".
>Oh no not again.
>Neighbors spoiled Fluffy Pony.
>She spots you and waddles towards you, her cheeks already puffed up.
>Once she reaches you, she stamps her hooves on the grass.
>"Dummie pway wif Fwuffy!" it demands.
>You look down on it, raising a brow.
>"Dummie pway wif fwuffy or giv big boo boo's!" It threatens.
>You look down on it and defiantly say "No. Now go home.".
>She stomps her hooves again with a tantrumic "EEE!" squeal in frustration before attacking your shin.
>You've had enough. You reach down and get her cheek between your finger and thumb in a harsh pinch.
>She squeals in pain, trying to pull away from your grip and desperately flails her hooves against your hand and wrist.
>"EEEEE!! EEEEEEEE! WHY HUWT FWUFFY! PWEASE NO MO!" She cries, her eyes now clouded with tears as they drop against your hand.
>"Are you gonna call me dummy again!?" You ask her, now twisting your hand a bit to let out a even louder shriek.
>You let go and shove her harshly with your foot, "Now go home!" you order, faking to chase her and threatening her with a actual kick.
>She scream and bawls as much as physically possible from her form, her face now soaked with tears, waddling at full speed back to her owners home.
>You sit back down and enjoy nature once more. Aint no discipline like classic discipline.
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