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Auto-imported from (92864)
Upvotes at import: 179 | Stars at import: 116
Posted previously at: 2012-09-08T20:57:31 | Posted previously by: MrWrann
+ safe996763 + artist:sallymon116 + character:princess luna65932 + gamer luna1046 + abomasnow2 + abra11 + absol30 + accelgor2 + aerodactyl6 + aggron7 + aipom2 + alakazam13 + alomomola3 + altaria21 + ambipom2 + amoonguss1 + ampharos18 + anorith1 + arbok20 + arcanine30 + ariados1 + armaldo2 + aron2 + articuno26 + ash ketchum61 + ask16320 + ask gamer luna21 + azumarill6 + azurill4 + bagon4 + ball2181 + baltoy2 + banette11 + barboach2 + bayleef6 + beautifly9 + beedrill7 + beldum2 + bellossom6 + bellsprout5 + blastoise18 + blaziken28 + blissey4 + breloom3 + bulbasaur61 + butterfree11 + cacnea3 + cacturne2 + camerupt1 + carvanha1 + cascoon3 + castform8 + caterpie8 + celebi16 + chansey14 + charizard81 + charmander65 + charmeleon22 + chikorita20 + chimecho1 + chinchou1 + clamperl1 + clefable7 + clefairy13 + cleffa4 + cloyster4 + combusken4 + corphish2 + corsola6 + cradily1 + crawdaunt1 + crobat10 + croconaw1 + crossover36757 + cubone17 + cyndaquil14 + delcatty7 + delibird6 + deoxys4 + dewgong5 + diglett16 + dodrio7 + doduo5 + donphan3 + dragonair13 + dragonite38 + dratini14 + drowzee4 + dugtrio9 + dunsparce3 + dusclops3 + duskull5 + dustox1 + eevee202 + ekans7 + electabuzz4 + electrike1 + electrode28 + elekid3 + entei9 + espeon53 + exeggcute4 + exeggutor11 + exploud2 + farfetch'd6 + fearow6 + feebas3 + feraligatr5 + flaffy2 + flareon46 + flygon6 + forretress2 + furret4 + gardevoir60 + gastly13 + gengar27 + geodude11 + girafarig5 + glalie5 + gligar2 + gloom6 + golbat8 + goldeen8 + golduck4 + golem145 + golem (pokémon)5 + gorebyss2 + gotta catch 'em all8 + granbull3 + graveler3 + grimer6 + groudon8 + grovyle3 + growlithe18 + grumpig3 + gulpin1 + gyarados14 + hariyama2 + haunter21 + heracross3 + hitmonchan4 + hitmonlee9 + hitmontop2 + ho-oh34 + hoppip4 + horsea5 + houndoom9 + houndour4 + huntail1 + hypno (pokémon)5 + igglybuff3 + illumise3 + ivysaur12 + jigglypuff43 + jirachi6 + jolteon60 + jumpluff5 + jynx5 + kabuto8 + kabutops3 + kadabra6 + kakuna3 + kangaskhan6 + kecleon3 + kingdra4 + kingler3 + kirlia10 + koffing8 + krabby4 + kyogre5 + lairon2 + lanturn2 + larvitar3 + latias17 + latios7 + lebyba1 + ledian1 + lickitung4 + lileep2 + linoone3 + lombre1 + lotad2 + loudred5 + ludicolo8 + lugia39 + lunatone11 + luvdisc9 + machamp7 + machoke4 + machop3 + magby2 + magcargo2 + magikarp22 + magmar3 + magnemite9 + magneton5 + makuhita1 + manectric2 + mankey5 + mantine2 + mareep12 + marill3 + marowak7 + marshtomp5 + masquerain1 + mawile25 + medicham2 + meditite1 + meowth36 + metagross5 + metang2 + metapod7 + mew48 + mewtwo33 + mightyena7 + milotic38 + miltank13 + minun13 + misdreavus7 + moltres17 + mr. mime10 + mudkip17 + muk6 + murkrow5 + natu2 + nidoking5 + nidoqueen10 + nidoran (female)7 + nidoran (male)5 + nidorino4 + nincada1 + ninetales35 + ninjask3 + noctowl15 + nosepass2 + numel1 + nuzleaf2 + octillery2 + oddish10 + offscreen character17564 + omanyte8 + omastar3 + onix10 + paras3 + parasect3 + pelipper2 + persian10 + phanpy2 + pichu26 + pidgeot12 + pidgeotto7 + pidgey10 + pikachu374 + piloswine3 + pineco4 + pinsir4 + plusle10 + pokémon4719 + politoed1 + poliwag6 + poliwhirl3 + poliwrath6 + ponyta91 + poochyena7 + porygon5 + porygon22 + primeape4 + psyduck12 + pupitar1 + quagsire1 + quilava3 + qwilfish1 + raichu32 + raikou6 + ralts6 + rapidash238 + raticate5 + rattata9 + rayquaza11 + regice5 + regirock5 + registeel4 + relicanth2 + remoraid2 + rhydon7 + rhyhorn4 + roselia3 + salamence5 + sandshrew8 + sandslash5 + sceptile8 + scizor3 + scyther7 + seadra3 + seaking5 + sealeo2 + seedot1 + seel4 + sentret1 + seviper5 + sharpedo5 + shedinja4 + shelgon1 + shellder8 + shiftry1 + shroomish2 + shuckle7 + shuppet3 + silcoon2 + skarmory4 + skiploom2 + skitty15 + slaking1 + slakoth1 + slowbro6 + slowking4 + slowpoke172 + slowpoke (pokémon)53 + slugma1 + smeargle20 + smoochum3 + sneasel7 + snorlax18 + snorunt3 + snubbull2 + solrock10 + spearow7 + spheal4 + spinarak2 + spinda7 + spoink4 + squirtle46 + stantler7 + starmie13 + staryu6 + steelix6 + sudowoodo6 + suicune18 + sunburst background623 + sunflora1 + sunkern1 + surskit1 + swablu10 + swalot3 + swampert4 + swellow9 + swinub4 + taillow3 + tangela5 + tauros10 + teddiursa8 + tentacool4 + tentacruel5 + togepi4 + togetic3 + torchic18 + torkoal9 + totodile20 + trapinch3 + treecko12 + tropius4 + tumblr22974 + typhlosion6 + tyranitar6 + tyrogue1 + umbreon83 + unown18 + ursaring12 + vaporeon77 + venomoth7 + venonat7 + venusaur20 + vibrava2 + victreebel6 + vigoroth3 + vileplume6 + volbeat1 + voltorb9 + vulpix35 + wailmer3 + wailord4 + wall of brown1 + wall of tags1771 + walrein2 + wartortle10 + weedle9 + weepinbell3 + weezing6 + whiscash2 + whismur5 + wigglytuff16 + wingull3 + wishmur1 + wobbuffet12 + wooper1 + wurmple4 + wynaut1 + xatu4 + yanma2 + zangoose6 + zapdos16 + zigzagoon3 + zubat16


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