source description:
Button Mash, Babs Seed and their daughter Digital Design
Babs Seed met Button Mash during one of her trips to Ponyville. They hit it off but she had to return to Manehattan for school. She spent her time learning her craft, and opened her own shop with some money from her family. The salon and tattoo parlor became a fairly popular venue and her customer base grew quite wide. She even got her own tattoos from her best tattoo artist. She makes regular visits to Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres, and helps at Camp Crusader and runs a secondary group of Crusaders in Manehattan. During one of her regular tips she ran into Button Mash again, and he told her hed been thinking of moving to Manehattan to start his own gaming company. She offered him a room in her apartment, he moved in and eventually they started dating. Not long after they married, and had their daughter, Digital Design. Button Mash and her got a matching tattoo in the place of their ancestors heart mark, a small heart that once adorned the back hoof of earlier ponies. Buttons gaming company took off rather quickly, and the couple skyrocketed to a rather nice mansion on the edge of the city.
Digital Design:
Personality: Geeky and nerdy as her dad, tough as her mom and a bit spoiled.
Cutie Mark: Three pixelized buttons
Occupation: Elementary school student, game designing prodigy.