source description:
The daughter of Fashion Plate and Sassy Saddle, News Flash.
Sassy and Fashion Plate were fairly close, at least from a business perspective. Fashion followed her career and eventually they tried dating. When Sassy found out she was pregnant and told Fashion their already shaky relationship crumbled. Fashion moved to Manehattan to avoid scandal and Sassy raised News Flash with the help of Rarity and her family. News grew up with Fancy Footwork and Visionary Hem and is very close with the whole Belle Family. She's also one of Boutique Bias' only friends. Sassy is sometimes one of those "Nothing is good enough" parents, not intentionally mind you, but she's worked so hard for her position in society and pushes her daughter to make a name for herself as well, often overlooking the little accomplishments News has made. News tries not to let it bother her, but it does hurt and cause quite a bit of tension between the pair.
News Flash:
Personality: A surprisingly introverted young mare, she prefers to stay out of the spot light. She's very kind and gained an extremely generous spirit from her godmother Rarity. She takes pride in everything she's managed to accomplish.
Cutie Mark: A camera and a note pad.
Occupation: News writer and reviewer for Canterlot's theater district.
MLP Belongs to Hasbro
News Flash here is mine