Just so you know, these all take place within an 6 year time period.
1. Pansy took no time at all in warming up to Twilight. It was like the alicorn had always been her mother, and since Pansy never talked about (or remembered for that matter) her previous parents, Twilight never brought it up. The two bonded to each other as if they had never been a moment apart. As for the snuggling scene you see here, this was a very common ritual for these two.
2. When Pansy was about 4 years-old, not long after she got her first pair of glasses, she started to become self conscious about her mane. She adored Twilight and like most little kids, she wanted to be and look just like her, which was hard enough before and now with the new glasses, Pansy looked more different than ever. So one day, she asked her mother if she could style her mane to look just like hers. Twilight of course was flattered by her daughters request, and while she did what Pansy asked, she straightened it to look less like a carbon copy and more like an original. Not that Pansy minded, she was too busy being enamored with her new look.
3. The two do a lot together, but one of their top favorite activities is going on nature walks. Pansy likes them more than Twilight, who’s more of a homebody, but the mare enjoys seeing her little filly so excited over finding some new creature or shoving every plant know to ponydom in her muzzle. The only drawbacks are the couple of….disliked critters, such as snakes, skunks, and especially spiders.
4. Another common family ritual is, of course, story time. It’s not that Pansy doesn’t like Daring Do, it’s just that some parts tend to be a little too much for her. When it comes to reading, Pansy can be quite emotionally and mentally invested in it, which is why she abstains from reading any kind of horror and always has a box of tissues ready for any romance she reads. Twilight knows this, so whenever she would read a story to her, she made sure to either skip over or smooth out some of the more intense parts.
Also, I cannot draw a Daring Do book to save mah life.
(* Note: I accidentally drew Pansy a little too big for her age range here, since I’m so used to drawing 10-12 year olds. So please excuse my little artist mistake.)