Artist's Description
A lot of people have been asking how Imago differs in the Willowverse vs Canon storyline. Well, Imago still crash lands on the island after the invasion during the Canterlot Wedding Episodes. Imago is also still discovered by 8 year old Bubble Lee. but instead of Wally tagging a long, she is accompanied by a very large, a very grumpy grandpa Mako XD
After the image above
Imago: CHIRPS and stares at the towering form This is it… I survived the crash.. but this ….. this is how I die… by the hands of a dolphin..
Mako: …. Orca….
Imago: … a Scottish dolphin….
Imago lets out a loud chirp and leaps up to her hooves… not realizing one of her legs is cracked. As soon as she applied weight to the appendage, Imago let out a yelp and fell back over on her face.
Imago: incoherent changeling chirping and chittering, as if she was swearing
Mako: Oye, be careful.. Don't hurt yourself more than you already are.. kneeling down to her
Bubble: smack Mako's arm Grandpa! You are scaring her!
Imago curled up around her leg, and lets out an angry hiss and bares her teeth at Mako. Bubble kind of takes a step behind her grandfather and stares with wide eyes…. scary fairy
Mako: looks at Bubble then at Imago before baring his teeth and snarling at her Will you pipe down..?! covers her mouth, not caring if she bites Someone might hear you…
Imago won't bite, mainly because she's surprised that he actually put his hand over her mouth. It would be too easy to just bite him and drain him…. but her eyes would glance to the filly cowering behind him and her ears fold back. what is this? a conscious?! feelings?!!
Imago: pulls her face away from his hand, wiping her eyes Tsk.. ow.. I.. don't want that.. no..
Mako: nods as he takes his hand away Alright.. Now, who are you.. and where did you come from… besides, the sky. pointing to the drag tracks in the dirt, showing that she fell
Imago: …. That.. irrelevant. The less you know the better… as she kind of examines the bandages around her leg and peaks under them, grimacing
Bubble: squirming behind Mako before leaning against his back Are you a fairy? Why do you have wings and a horn? Are you a princess?!
Imago just gives her a WTF face.
Mako: reaches and pat her head so she was ducked behind his shoulder Ssshh…. looks at Imago I think in this case the more I know will save your…. exoskeleton.. You're hurt really badly, let us help you..
Imago: blinks at Mako for attempting to be politically correct Mmm…. why..? I can already tell you know what I am… somehow… just leave me and I'll be gone before morning.. looking up at the night sky
Mako: I haven't the foggiest idea of what you are, but in this situation it's a moot point… You're going to die if we don't take care of these injuries properly…
Imago: Then even better. Like I said, the less you know the better…. It's late.. young hatchlings and fishes should be sleeping… with a bit of a snarl
Mako: keeps eye contact with her before looking at one of her injuries You're not going to get far from this island if you leave..
Imago: opens her mouth like she's going to retaliate before… ………Wait…. island?!
Mako: covers her mouth again Ssshh!.. Yes, Capricorn Reef…
Imago: little chirps before she grabbed his wrist and moved his hand, in a hush tone Where the bloody hell is that? Am I even in Equestria anymore?!
Mako: It's still in the Equestrian border, ye.. But there's only one way off in your condition and that's not gonna be easy.
Imago: pinch the bridge of her nose …… How far is the mainland? I might be able to fly it still.. maybe get a boat…. mostly mumbling to herself
Mako: deadpan stare I aint tellin' ye that.
Imago: ….son of a… glances at Bubble … perch.. Why not? she hisses
Mako: Because… lifting his hand to poke her forehead You're bein' a stubborn git, and you need help.
Imago: cringes and swats at his hand And you are just a salty Scot! Why do you think I would want help..? You are irritating me, leave! baring her teeth again
Mako: If I was really at my saltiest, I'd have killed you already.. Baring his teeth at her So stop wearing my patience and let us help heal you..! Once you're better, I promise you can leave, but I can't have it on my conscience that I let you leave when you look on the edge of death..
Imago: ears would fold back and stare at him for a good long while… it was obvious on her face that she was torn about something.. she'd shake her head I can't stay here for that long… If anyone finds me….. It won't matter how much I've healed, let's just say that…
Mako: eases up the look on his face No one is going to know… Please, just… let us help you.. holding out his hand
Imago: looks at Mako's hand before hesitantly takes it …. Okay…
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