I don't know if I ever mentioned that Bailey and Bramley were twins.
Welp, they are but they aren't your typical TV trope twins.
They act less like one half of the same mind and more like two independent beings born on the same day.
B&B are very good to each other though and maintain a pretty decent relationship. Bailey is the only person Bramley doesn't torment with his terrible hyperactivity.
When they were born, older sis Lady was unamused.
"I don't want dem! Put em' back!"
Even up to the day he passes away papa Jet Set quotes that with a hardy laugh. Lady still stands by it but hates that he brings it up!
ON THE FLIP SIDE, big bro Arkansas LOVES his little siblings. He'd carry them around and curl up with them for a nap. He LOVES BABIES. He's not the oldest Apple but anything younger than him gets the "Arkie Treatment"
In the later years, Arkansas is the sibling that keeps the family together. He travels across Equestria to visit each sibling and eventually brings them all together…
Arkansas: [glares at Little Lady] By force, if'n I gotta!