King Bray! Or…Chiming Bells, depending on what you what to call him. Ancient unicorn OC from a roleplay plot that finished not too long ago… And yeah, he's based after (or rather, is) Grogar's donkey servant Bray from The Return of Tambelon. Gotta love some good ol' G1 uwu
Anyways, in the Plot… Bray is the sole heir to the throne of Tambelon, behind his parents who, like Bray, are all part of the ancient unicorn breed. When Bray was just a teenager, he lost his parents and became the only ancient unicorn he knew left, and it wasn't long until evil forces took advantage over the weakened kingdom as Bray wasn't of age yet. The first evil force was Grogar, an old necromancer goat who swept Tambelon with plague, fire and famine, destroying all the citizens. In the end, it was just Bray and Grogar, and they had a fight… but even if the prince fought valiantly, he ultimately lost, and Grogar took his prize as becoming the ruler of Tambelon, and rather than killing off his foe, he used dark magic to transform him into a donkey and giving him amnesia. For the next thousand years, Bray was a loyal servant to Grogar as they lived together in the lost kingdom, but it appeared once again in Equestria…
The plot's coming to a close, and awhile ago I posted a picture of Bray as a normal unicorn, which… is canon for him. His magic wasn't truly restored so his body took the closest thing it could until it could restore himself to his full potential. We finished the plot a few months back actually! He's living off the coast in Tambelon near Whitetail Woods owo…also…My friend and I also shipped him with TwilightUpdated with more information on Tambelon!
Bray the Donkey, MLP:FiM © Hasbro
Bray the Unicorn, artwork © Tambelon