Story Time? Uh… negative traits briefly becoming useful?
Man, there was a brief moment in time where I didn't have to come up with page titles and Author's Notes, and it's already gone.
DM: So you spent most of the week helping Cherry Jubilee and Applejack with the rest of the cherry harvest, as promised. Now, it's the following week. Time to get back to the hurricane pegasi. Twilight Sparkle: Oh, wow. Have they been training this whole time? DM: Just about every pegasus in Ponyville. And the rainwater collection is due in just a couple of days. Of course, your absence has had an impact… Don't get me wrong; they've been working fairly hard, but self-motivation only goes so far. Rainbow Dash: Is it time for a REAL star athlete to coach them into shape? DM: It sure is. For once, your ego is actually a key asset.
Upvotes at import: 10 | Stars at import: 9 Posted previously at: 2019-09-07T03:28:20
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