Pnaubghgqhfq this came out way better than I was expecting it to. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do her design properly but I think it came out pretty well!
Cherry Quartz Mare/Female | Pegasus - Age: 20 Birthday: December 13 Sexuality: Heterosexual - Cutie Mark: TBA Talent: Creating bouquets out of gems - Occupation: Gem polisher (yeah, I know this is lame but I can't think of anything else atm) Hometown: Canterlot Current Residence: Ponyville - Personality: Quiet, anxious, kind Special Somepony: Vincent
Upvotes at import: 24 | Stars at import: 13 Posted previously at: 2019-10-24T22:48:20 | Posted previously by: Mildgyth
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