Update: I totally forgot the pic of her cutie mark and her materials specs. Derp.
And one last Little Pip! This time for an email customer! Decided to change up the forelock (for like the hundreth time) and switch to cotton instead of satin for the pipbuck screen. The details show up better and it's MUCH sturdier than the satin, so I'm thrilled!
She is made from Platinum and Caramel minky. Her vault suit is a custom dyed color and and Silver, and her Pipbuck is Charcoal and green cotton. She is stuffed with poly pellets and fiberfill. Her eyes, cutie mark, Pipbuck, and vault suit are machine embroidered with files by equinepalette (me). Her pattern is by equinepalette (me). My artist mark is embroidered on her back hoof. File by TheHarley
I don't like to spam profiles with "Thanks for the !" So, in advance: