Based on the Chinese comic panels from:![]()
As ridiculous as this comic seems, there have been cases from the 19th century where people often react immediately from any sudden stimuli, such as…— "Latah in Southeast Asian countries (1849)"
— The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine (1878)
— Miryachit in Siberia (1882)
Generally, those conditions are often disputed as either hereditary, psychological, neurological, environmental or culturally-bounded syndromes. Nevertheless, there is no consensus over what causes these outbursts. Such common symptoms of these weird syndromes include:Swearing many obscenities
Jumping around a lot
Imitating every action of everyone around them (both physically and vocally)
Screaming for prolonged periods of time
Obeying every command no matter how ridiculous it is
Hitting everything within their path
Thankfully, those cases are very rare in some fringed parts of the world and was believed to be a deviant form of Tourettes Syndrome (only the difference is that the responses are triggered rather than being involuntary)Hopefully, you don't have anyone in your family with these strange yet destructive conditions , because that would mean your whole family has to walk on many fragile eggshells… with spikes under each of them … while wearing thick heavy fabrics of body armor…
Dr. Vera by Silverwolf1345
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