“I went over to Rarity’s place today for some tea. She saw me walking around town and immediately asked me what was wrong. Usually, I have no issues or hesitations about telling my friends what’s bothering me, but this was different. I guess it’s because of how long ago this was and how much it’s affected me up to today that I didn’t want to go into detail; I suppose I wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. After tea, Rarity lend me some hiking clothes and told me that if at any point I wanted to talk, she’ll always be there for me; it’s amazing to have such caring friends like her, but I don’t want to pour all my baggage on her.
“Tomorrow morning is when I leave Ponyville for the day. I admit, I’m both excited and nervous. I’m not sure what I’m going to accomplish by doing this, however. What if it’s a useless hike and all I do is let my emotions get to me? If exercising doesn’t work, why would this? Well, Rarity did agree with me when I said I needed a small vacation, so maybe just having the time to relax with nature to clear my head will help me find peace and happiness. I’ll be sure to write about my experiences when I get back.”