Page 1131 — Timed Bomb
Monologuing is, itself, a very orderly action if you think about it. One person talks and expects everyone else to wait due to status and decorum. Surely the most chaotic thing would be constant, neverending, hellish screaming. (Then again, kids show.) (Then again AGAIN; whaaaaaat, Discord is a bit of a hypocrite? You dooooon't saaaaaaaay!)
Transcript:Discord: It's really not so bad! Just imagine it: The laws of physics, dancing right before your eyes! No "order," no "roles," just one ever-changing neverending amusement park. Exactly what life should strive to be.
Discord GM: …Pardon?
DM: You said it was a quick cycle.
Discord GM: So I did…
Twilight Sparkle: A little "order" might've kept you from being interrupted. Look, you've ruined my home, Discord. I'm not going to listen to you anymore.
Discord: Eh, not every paint of the brush is a masterstroke. At least Ponyville is in better shape than Cloudsdale. Isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow Dash: Wha– Hey!
Applejack: Excuse me?!
Discord: Toodles!