…Their [the pegasi] sons and daughters are carefully instructed from their sixth to their fifteenth year, in three things alone, — to fly, to draw the bow, and to speak the truth…
In her few years at Flight Camp, Wehafarnah never managed to get as good at flying as her campmates were. out of the exercises practised in there, the only one in which she was good at, and enjoyed doing, was archery. That was enough for her to keep practicing even after she eventually left Flight Camp, and eventually, Parsabrapura, for good to live in Ævrefreodeh…
So, managed to do the second out of the Mane Six; Fluttershy practicing archery after a rehearsal with the Ponytones.
That one's a personal record: only one day to do. The idea behind the background is that that was supposed to be at late afternoon, with night just creeping in around the mountains.