…After the lovely morning meal of dry cereal and past-expired apple juice, I headed back to my room to prepare for a shower. To my shock, I saw the teenaged pony, Rainbow Dash, whom I had been watching over for a few days, hopped up and leaning into one of my dresser drawers. Although I assumed it was empty, as all my clean and dirty clothes were piled in the corner, Dashie seemed to have found something or other, as she was shuffling and seemingly struggling. After a few moments of me standing there, staring at her rear end, she turned around, an old brown sock fitted over her hoof and wrist. I dropped my arms to my sides as my mouth went slightly agape, confusion shrouding me. Dashie stared at the sock for a moment before looking at me, her eyes narrowing. She didn't even bat an eye at the fact I was watching her sift through my drawers the entire time. After staring at each other for half an eternity, she spoke up in a rather brash, annoyed and sarcastic voice.
"I don't get it."
At this point, all I could think to do was to just turn and leave my bedroom, head outside my apartment building, sit in the middle of the large lawn, and merely contemplate my life.
Dear Princess Celestia: Your loyal subjects are weird.