The local home guard was rather surprised when they're captain came strolling in armor that apparently had outgrown "her" even when just a day before he had been there as the calm and reassuring stallion that they knew and respected. Twas hard to look at a superior officer when Hi…I mean her flanks were practically begging the ire of many a stallion even when attempting to be serious about professional matters. It certainly didn't help in any matters at all for Home Defence. He was doing his routine plowing and tending to his own personal apple tree and orchard when he had felt a sudden decrease and allocation of mass towards his rear. Combined with the apparent increase in the amount of mane he had, along with the changes downstairs and within his voice, his component stallions of Big Mac and Shining Armor knew that something was wrong. One glance at a mirror and a "what in tarnation" later, the stallion turned mare was confused as everypony else whom had been suddenly swapped into the opposite gender.
The day just wasn't her I mean "his" day. And all the glances towards her rear certainly wasn't helping.