I have my own place and I have been doing a lot of renovating. I had the idea of drawing a picture on the wall in my room for some added personal touch. I sketched up the picture, made it bigger (on bigger paper), passed it onto a blank wall and painted from there. I have never attempted a painting before, and doing this picture was odd and had its moments (Colour, shading then lines), but I had a lot of help from a family member who has done stuff like this before.
You probably see something faint next to Luna, that is where the added feature is, here are a couple of pictures:
Sorry about their quality, its not easy to get good night photos. A little UV magic for the evenings. I was thinking of adding more, like stars, but I may do that at a later date.
This was an incredibly fun piece to work on, I practically spent entire days and afternoons painting it and trying to make it look nice. It took longer because I needed to find the right paints for the job and learn how to mix them to get colours right and even learn to shade with paints.
Let me know what you think, all feedback is appreciated!