"Really, Sun? Waking me up before the sun even rose?" Cyan grumbled as she stood in the back of the balcony, as if moving away from the rising sun rays. "Whatever do you mean, big sister?" Sun Shard looked behing her with a smile after taking a sip from her coffee, the luminosity of her aqua aura levitated her cup.
"The sun is rising, isn't it beautiful?" She looked back at the dancing rays, looking at it with love. Cyan casted a glare at her little sister, "I don't like early mornings, for your information." She spoke before stretching her wings, the gems reflecting the sunshine. "Besides, I had late work last night. I think I do deserve some extra more hours." She sighed as her knots were released.
"More like extra few decades." Sun Shard rolled her eyes at how grumpy her adopted, older sister. "Whatever, big sister, playing videos games at night isn't called work." She sipped on her coffee, making sure to blow on the hot beverage. "What!?" Cyan straightened up, "Assassin Creed is not a video game! It's a virtual reality practice that is useful for me to be an assassin!"
"Seems like a game to me, Cya." Sun Shard muttered under her breath. Cyan scoffed, shaking her head, "Alright, bookworm, you win this round…" She yawned as the cold breeze of the morning sun brushed against her fur. "Let's not forget the time you refused to wake up to see your beautiful sun."
"Me?!" Sun Shard turned around, "I couldn't sleep with all that ruckus coming from your room!" She snapped, remembering the that very morning. She literally made Cyan appear back in her room using her magic before covering her head with the pillow after shooting the blaring alarm clock.
"Lies. I'm never loud while practicing being an assassin." Cyan smirked at her victory. "Yes, it is true you're quiet because 'being an assassin means being quiet'. But I'm talking about the night with you and your significant other." Sun Shard saw how Cyan's fur fluffed up as she got flustered. "W-we weren't that loud!"
"Mochi walked out the next day… LIMPING."
"… Still, that was not an excuse to wake me up this early."
Gift for my dAddY- Asembr-A
I've been working on this for a long while, procrasting through it a heckton of times. After seeing her art of Mochi, I knew that I had to at least draw something back. About my recent post, I was very unmotivated to draw because of how much I looked down on my art. I began shading anything and drawing anything, not using the undo but keeping the mistake. I was thinking of not finishing this but since Asembr-a is literally the most amazing thing that had ever came into my life, I pushed myself forward to finish it. So, thank you for being here with me and I hope you stay <3