Based on this greentext:
>Projecting atomic alarm clock miniponi.
>All day and all night she points her projector on the wall or ceiling -whichever you prefer, really- and proudly displays the time in big numbers and letters across the room.
>Her accuracy is unquestionable and her alarm clock is always perfectly ready to go at just the right moment.
>She beeps softly at first, a relatively gentle chime like a loving mother trying to waken her child.
>"Beep-bee beep-beep, beep-bee beep-beep. beep-bee beep-beep."
>She dutifully stands on her perch, unwilling to shift from it, but her projection shifts and alters to show a slightly larger version of herself on the wall, standing next to your bed.
>"Beep-bee beep-beep! Anon, please wake up."
>The projection flickers and now the pony stands over the sleeping form.
>She stands now as a colossus, head nearly bumping the ceiling before she lowers it.
>Now large enough to be loud without having to strain her voice, she continues.
>She jerks back suddenly when the covers stir and a figure slips out to plod across the room, the projection slipping to the side to watch him.
>Why he let the place stay so cluttered this long after moving day was a mystery to her.
>He doesn't quite look away yet.
>He reaches a hand out groggily and pokes the nose of the tiny pony, still standing on the stepped shelf.
>The beeping ceases as the minipony scrunches her nose.
>The face is mirrored by the projection, a slight pout, before the two of them sigh, shoulders relaxing.
>The projection version sits down on her haunches, as does the miniponi, and the two give a harmonized "Good morning, anon," before the visualization flickers back into a display of the time and the clock sheepishly yawns.
>"Your schedule is so chaotic, anon."