Artist's description from Deviantart:Horses are the closest living relatives of the purebred earth ponies that existed before equestria was founded.
These gentle giants tend to keep to themselves. They normally live in small villages near pine forests and the bases of mountains.
They are a lot bigger than your average pony and usually comes in more natural and earthy colors than their pony kin, spots and markings being more common than not as well. Their other trademarks are their feathered legs and strong builds, they tend to have very defined muscles.
They are generally very quiet and hardworking equines that value family and friends very highly. Their communities are called herds and are led by a so called "Lead Pair" (usually a Lead Mare and a Lead Stallion though there has been same sex pairs over the years) The lead pair is always voted into the role by the rest of the herd.
The lead pair in the biggest known herd are Morning Dew and Cornflower (Pictured above)
There are few differences between mares and stallions. Usually mares have softer features than stallions but that's about it.
They are a very crafty "people" and take great pride in craftmanship leading to many ponies being talented in building, sculpting, painting or woodwork as well as the more normal pony talents like cooking, farming, strength, agility etc. Their crafty side can be seen in their houses, usually being adorned with intricate woodcarvings and other small details.
Horses are a bit less elusive than species such as bog unicorns and will on occasion wander into pony lands. Often to trade or in some cases just looking to move for a change of scenery. It is therefore wieder known that they exist even though very few ponies have actually seen them.
Horses also have a lot of different traditions that they celebrate a bit different from ponies, such as misdummer where they dance and sing around a floral pole (picture above) or their own takes on nightmare night and hearthswarming eve.
They are very in tune with other animals and live peacefully next to the inhabitants of the pine forests (inhabitants such as moose and deer who are also sentient and lives in villages)
Yay horses. Ever since the CMC sang about horses that one time I always wondered if there would be any difference between horses and ponies. My conclusion is, yes.
I made more headcanon species. Now the only one I have left is the pegasi, then I can start on some more obscure ones.
I kinda based them on scandinavic culture and easthetic. I kinda imagine them living out on the swedish countryside, kind of (like me, cough) Lots of red houses with white edges
Trouble Shoes is a horse in my universe (so technically not a pony but hey they're basically the same thing only he's hella lot taller) I'm also kind of thinking about making Morning Dew and Cornflower Trouble Shoes parents. Only that he somehow got separated from them as a baby and ended up in an adoptive family in appleloosa. I just think that Morning Dew and Cornflower turned out too cute not to use more.