Heavy hoof steps made windows rattle and the sound echoed between the buildings.
Tiny inhabitants of this city looked around a gasped as one of the giant ponies appeared
behind a building, Her coat was deep yellow and she had a fiery red and yellow mane and tail.
Some hurried away from the hooves of the giantess as she made her way, seemingly not
even noticing the tiny people near her hooves. The tiny humans were able move away, but
same could not be said with parked vehicles and Sunset was walking straight towards one. A
loud crunch sound market the end of that car and giggling lightly, she stepped over the wreck.
She turned her head, looking behind her as her hoof which had crushed
the car lifted off again, revealing the partly flattened vehicle.
She continued her stroll, just bare fitting between the two building.
"Oh my… Just a little closer and I wouldn't be able to fit here…" She said and stepped between
the two buildings her hips just able to fit. The people inside were treated with marvelous
sight as her round flank passed them, from their perspective, just centimeters from the
windows. No-one doubted that should she have decided to hip-check either or both of the
buildings, she would have dealt some serious damage to them, if not collapsed them completely.
Sunset looked back and stick her tongue out momentarily. "Don't try to comment anything… Or I might sit on you next."
She said, letting out a small giggle. Not sure if she was joking or not, no-one on the street dared to say anything.