artist description:
1. Sunlight (both romantically, or as friends)
Some of you knew this will come. Yeah, my TOP fav couple. Since they became friends from enemies (yeah, FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!) I love to see them care for each other and sharing a sweet moments like in Rainbow Rocks. These two definitely deserve more screen time and more of these sweet moments! I hope SO MUCH we'll see Sunset Shimmer in every EqG movie and also with (pony) Twilight Sparkle. Plus they're so much alike… I ADORE the idea of Sunset being a "Twilight" of the human world and being Twilight's pupil. I totally fell in love with this couple! BUT!!! This only applies to pony Twilight, not human Twilight.
2. FlashShimmer (romantically)
This couple is actually strongly tied with Sunlight. I really can't decide between these two couples. Especially because to me, Sunset needs a love interest (it would be an opportunity for her to learn about love too, besides friendship and she would forget to her past and remorse better if she felt loved romantically. And it could also improve Flash's character too, this couple actually wouldn't be bland cliché, but something really deep). I can imagine how heartwarming and emotional would be the reunion of an old broken couple. Both of them would realize that they always had a soft spot for each other, but Sunset was blinded back then and she cared only for popularity rather than realized she actually felt something to Flash (but would be too shy to tell since she knows Flash loves Twilight now). And both, Twilight and Flash would realize that they can't have a common future and spend so much time together since they're from different worlds and remained friends only. Flash would later find his forgotten bond to Sunset in a certain situation, now when she has changed and seeing how much she needs love now (better than Flash falls in love with human Twilight). I already have an dramatic / emotional headcanon, how would they reunite and started again. But since I know it will never happen and seeing how they're having zero interactions in the movies, what makes me feel that Flash still hates Sunset (judging even by his shout about her in Rainbow Rocks), I keep them only as my headcanon what makes them a second place in my fav couples. Sunlight shines more and powers up my love to them. So FlashShimmer is something like a "backup" couple, just in case their current canon relationship was finally explained.
3. AppleShimmer (friends)
I actually couldn't choose between this one and SunDash, since both couples shined -except that AppleShimmer shined in both; Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, while SunDash only in Friendship Games, but really markedly. I guess it's a tie between them, but I decided to use only AppleShimmer here. The amount of interactions between them, considering Applejack is probably the nicest to Sunset just made me interested. I wish they had more these nice interactions as well.
4. TwiCord (friends)
Yup. NO FlutterCord, NO CelestiaCord (though I have soft spot for this couple too, as friends too). But really, Twilight and Discord have most interesting relationship to me. I have actually NO IDEA what they feel to each other, what makes me interested. And after Twilight's kingdom and Make new friends but keep Discord, I'm even more confused from their relationship. I wish they were a good friends finally.
5. AppleDash (friends)
This is and was always my favorite couple. I just love competetive nature of these two and their conflicts. I feel like they're more rivals than friends and their friendship isn't too manifested like others. And because of that I'm always looking for the moments, where they are nice to each other.