Sweet Celestia the season 6 debut was incredible. No, scratch that, it was nothing short of perfect! I could go on and on in regards to why this is the best season introduction thus far, but that would take way too long.
Let’s just say that this explosive double-episode is merely a hint of what’s to come, and no doubt it will be utterly grand.
I must say that the addition of Flurry Heart to the family will make for a super interesting dynamic. Never before have we had the opportunity to observe the growth of a foal firsthand, I mean hoof, let alone the world’s first natural-born alicorn.
I, for one, am so very pleased that Night Light and Twilight Velvet had their own lines to say, given that fact that they never spoke in the three appearances they made over the course of the entire series.
That being said, I’ve wanted to vector them for a long time and this scene gave me the chance to do just that.
Have a crystal-tastic day/night everypony!
Edit: Touched up Twilight Velvet’s tail and Night Light’s Mane.
Edit 2: Fixed Twilight Velvet's tail again.
SVG available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3f8z69ok2gq926z/Night%20Light%20%26%20Twilight%20Velvet.svg?dl=0
not provided yet