New addition for my Season 6 Episode Art!
Season 6, Episode 5: Guantlet of Fire
For more info on my episode art: MLP:FIM Season 5 Episode Art Streams
Revisiting last week's episode, since we have no new one. And I kinda
wanted to make this creature anyway, so 'twas a good excuse haha.
I quite like the mix of this beast, some sea serpent, eel, devil/angler
fish, and some archer fish! Shooting down Dragons from the sky?! Brilliant!
Although in the episode they didn't seem that effective beyond just the
shooting…but it being a family show, kinda understandable they may not
show the eating part, which for all we know did happen behind the scenes
somewhere. There were quite a few dragons flying in the background :P
Had a bit of "quick" fun with this one. Fairly loose brushstrokes/blobs
reminiscent of my older approach to paintings. I've been checking my
Season 4 art again and how I used to have a lot more brushstrokes visible
since I worked with a harder brush. I guess over time you just naturally
forget some approaches, or it may also be because I have so many darn styles :XD:
Anyhow, fun time filler until the next Episode art! Always great to see more beasts from the world.