And, once more, this is the last page that we will be seeing of this for a while, at least until we have enough funds to keep supporting this comic. I really enjoy working on these comic pages, I love experimenting with the colors, changing things, doing things differently. Without it it's like losing a testing ground where I can try new stuff. But only time can tell when this will come back.
I did my best to keep this page as monochrome and colorless as possible, except on the moments of extreme emotion (the meeting in panel one, and the reunion in panel four). Finding a warm color that's in the cold scale is tough cookies. Also, both Rated and I know that Commander Hurricane is actually male in the legend of Hearth's Warming Eve (we know this thanks to The Journal of the Two Sisters book) but this story was conceptualized well before that book was published. That's why Hurricane is always female in these comics, we didn't know the character was of a different gender.
One thing to note is that Rated doesn’t have the means to keep paying for the comic series at the moment since he doesn’t have a job. In order to afford this, we have put together a Patreon Page for you to pledge amounts in order to keep this comic going.
Every and all support is welcome, thank you guys.
Art by James Corck.
Story by Rated R. Ponystar