This is a color PNG detail of my recent My Little Pony fan drawing of Sunset Shimmer as the newly crowned Princess Royal of Equestria. With those crossed arms and confident smile, this princess is no damsel in distress. Her cutie mark is the jeweled centerpiece of her tiara, and she wears a coronation gown and cape in different shades of opal.
In my MLP fan art, Sunset is born human, raised in a foals' orphanage, adopted as a teenager by Princess Celestia, and can turn into a pony and back through a transformation spell she learned as a little girl. She is made princess by a unanimous vote of the pony princesses of Equestria (including baby Flurry Heart, with dad Shining Armor voting on her behalf). Rather than a single heroic act, it was her many small, quiet, often unnoticed acts of character, caring and friendship that made Sunset worthy of the crown.
I am still working on coloring the entire drawing, including background, but I wanted to post the completed Princess Sunset as soon as possible. This is something many MLP fans want to happen, whether it really happens or not, so here she is for everypony to enjoy.