Previous >>1934464
>They pull you into what appears to be a Florist's shop.
>They pull you out of sight of the window and get down, still holding their hoof over your mouth.
>You see two other ponies hiding behind the counter.
>A green earth pony laying very close to the ground and a white pegasus with orane and brown mane sitting against the back of the counter.
>Both looking towards the door.
>The pony holding you is a brown mare with an even darker brown mane.
>She too is looking towards the door while holding your mouth.
>You soon hear the creature charging.
>It slows down to a steady walk as it gets closer.
>It's moving very slowly now.
>The other ponies look at each other.
>The creature lets out a series of croaking wails.
>silence again.
>It moves on.
>The other ponies remain still and silent for what feels like hours.
>"I think it's gone" The pony holding you says as she takes her hoof from your mouth and lets you go.
>The other two ponies sigh in relief
>"Th-thank you…" you reply meekly.
>"Don't worry about it" The brown mare says.
>"So there are other ponies besides just us two" Says the pegasus.
>"Us THREE" The green mare corrects.
>"Oh.. yeah… sorry"
>"So umm…" The brown mare starts "What's your name?"
>"F-Floor Bored"
>A moment of awkward silence follows
>"I'm Home Sick" says the pegasus.
>"I am too…" you reply
>"No no… that's my name" She says.
>"Oh…" Nice job Floor.
>"And she's Paradise Skies" She says motioning towards the mare who was holding you.
>"And this is… uhh…" She looks at the green mare with a puzzled look.
>"Winnifred!" She exclaims.
>The green mare looks disgruntled. "It's Wallflower… Wallflower Blush"
>"Oh… Right… Sorry…" Home Sick apologizes.
>More awkward silence.
>"So…" Paradise starts "Have you seen any other ponies?"
>OH SHIT, Your friends!
>You let out a gasp before trying to dart out the door.
>However you forgot about your hoof and stumble.
>Wallfower catches you.
>"My friends!" You exclaim.
Next >>1934477
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