Page 50 — Flirting with Death
Wait, what? 50 comics? That means you get a triple-length page!
As you can probably tell, for this scene I was mostly wondering how it would play out mechanically. Like many bronies, there's a part of me that loves to analyze and deconstruct systems.
Transcript:Rarity: <roll> No! Not a 4!
Pinkie Pie: <roll> Looks like it’s a 5!
DM: You two are unable to grab onto anything to stop your descent.
Applejack: <roll> 14. Finally, somethin’ decent.
DM: You just manage to hold onto a branch.
Twilight Sparkle: <roll> Oh no! 8!
DM: At the last moment, you’re able to catch yourself at the edge.
Rainbow Dash: Looks like we have our work cut out for us. Let’s rescue the bard and the rogue.
Fluttershy: Um, won’t that involve rolling dice? I thought you said…
Rainbow Dash: We’re low on options, newbie. Let’s move!
Fluttershy: Oh… okay!
Rainbow Dash: I got the bard!
DM: Roll Strength or Athletics.
Rainbow Dash: <roll> Aw, it’s only a… 17! Ha!
DM: You are successful in rescuing Pinkie Pie.
Fluttershy: My turn? <roll> That’s bad.
DM: Uh… alright, roll a Dexterity check to at least grab on.
Fluttershy: <roll> Oh no!
DM: Oh brother… Rarity falls over the edge and plummets to the ground below, a seventy-foot drop. That’ll be 7d10 falling damage. You can roll an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage, though.
Rarity: <sigh> Wonderful. I might very well be dead, girls.
DM: Twilight needs to roll another check to keep hanging on.
Twilight Sparkle: WHAT? After all these terrible rolls??
Applejack: Hold on. I think, if I’m careful, I can slide on down slow-like and getcha.
DM: How’s your Acrobatics?
Applejack: <roll> How’s 15 do for ya?
DM: That does just fine. You’re able to stop at the edge and stabilize Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle: Thanks…
Applejack: Let’s see if we can’t get you up here… <roll> 12. Geez.
DM: Unfortunately, pulling her up onto the steep slope proves to be more difficult.
Rainbow Dash: Hey, am I done hauling the pink pony?
DM: By this point, yeah.
Twilight Sparkle: What do we do? What do we do?? I don’t want my first character to die!
Applejack: For Pete’s sake, calm down.
Applejack: You have to fall.
Twilight Sparkle: You want to run that by me again?!
Applejack: Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can catch you.
Twilight Sparkle: But what if they roll poorly again? I can’t take all that damage!
Applejack: I know. I ain’t gonna deny it’s risky, maybe deadly. But I’m pretty darn sure this is your only shot.
Applejack: Just… trust your teammates.