Tactics are a big part of any table game. Tell a story about either A) an epic tactical maneuver or B) a time when someone was forced to take a tactically unsound action.
DM: Rarity is the only one who beats the Manticore for Initiative. Rarity: Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm. Fluttershy: Why is she frowning? She won, didn’t she? Twilight Sparkle: I think it’s because she’s a Rogue… Rainbow Dash: Oh, you’ll be fine. It’s the first level. Just run up and deal some damage. Rarity: I’d prefer not to take any more damage this hour, thank you. DM: So what are you doing? Rarity: I’m staying right where I am. I’m delaying my turn. DM: Alright, Manticore’s turn. He lunges at Rarity… <roll> 14 vs. AC? Rarity: Hah! Failing to kill me again, are you? DM: Don’t read into it.
Upvotes at import: 9 | Stars at import: 9 Posted previously at: 2019-08-22T20:42:43
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