Page 60 — Little Forest of Horrors
Spoiler: Pinkie Pie is planning to use a ritual.
Transcript:DM: You make your way forward, out of the canyon and into a thicker part of the jungle. As the moon disappears behind the forest canopy, it becomes more difficult to see. For a split second, however, Rarity is able to notice a blue mist weaving through the darkness.
Rarity: Hmph. How cowardly for a goddess to behave.
DM: You hear a quiet, evil laugh.
Fluttershy: Oh no. We’re doomed!
Applejack: Wha…? Calm down. Nothin’s happened yet. Geez.
DM: Then, an eerie light emanates from all the trees… And you see that each one has become a twisted, carnivorous abomination!
Applejack: Ack- Stop doing that right after I say stuff!
DM: The sight of just one monstrous tree causes an unnatural urge to run away screaming. But surrounded as you are by these monsters, you’re paralyzed by fear.
Rarity: …Trees, really? Well, is this a “save ends” sort of fear?
DM: Yes. And since you noticed Nightmare Moon, you have a bonus to this saving throw.
Rarity: Excellent. <roll> I break free of the effect and immediately inform the others.
DM: Now everypony gets the bonus. <roll> But soon afterwards, the fear grips you again.
Rarity: Excuse me?!
Fluttershy: Doomed!
Rainbow Dash: Oh GREAT. It’s an at-will thing.
Twilight Sparkle: We’re going to be rolling saves forever if we don’t get rid of these!
Pinkie Pie: <gasp!> I got it! I have the perfect plan to get us out of this!
Rarity: …Nevermind; NOW I’m frightened.