Page 68 — Impromptu Beautician
I'm looking for stories today!
On the last comic, I linked to Erin Palette and her recent pony campaign. But I know for a fact that she's not the only one to work ponies into a table RPG.
Whether you've played with a full-blown pony system/setting or just a few pony references worked into your otherwise normal session — tell a story about how that went.
Transcript:Rarity: There’s no alternative. If the mustache goes uncorrected, this gentleman’s despair will never end.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright, if we have to fix it… Can we magically grow it back or something?
DM: …Roll an Arcana check.
Twilight Sparkle: <roll> 17.
DM: You can use Prestidigitation to create temporary features, but growing real hair is beyond you.
Rarity: What about a hair extension?
DM: What do you mean?
Rarity: Can we use magic to graft one length onto another?
DM: According to Twilight’s Arcana, that should be within your abilities.
Rainbow Dash: Hold on! I see where this is going. If you’re gonna start cutting hair, leave me out of it.
Twilight Sparkle: Wait, THAT’S your plan??
DM: I think none of you are carrying cutting implements.
Rarity: Very well. How sharp are a sea serpent’s scales?
DM: What?
Steven Magnet: OW! What’d you do that for?!