Page 129 — Premeditated Aggro
Sometimes, even the most talkative group of roleplayers just wants to knuckle down and destroy something for a change. This is convenient when there's a particularly annoying villain in the party's sights, and it would be more efficient to be rid of it than to hear its backstory.
But this can get rather dangerous if the DM knows when the party's in this kind of mood. It's very easy to punish blind action with a few devastating consequences.
Transcript:Rainbow Dash: No problem, we’ll just take out that dragon with our brand new Orbital Friendship Cannon!
DM: Uh, no. The Elements of Harmony were taken back to Canterlot for safekeeping until they’re needed again.
Rainbow Dash: …Hmm. Yeah, I guess it’d be too easy if we had an instant-win weapon all the time.
DM: That’s not the…
Rainbow Dash: Whatever, we’re Level 6. We can slay that dragon ourselves!
Applejack: Now, now, I think the idea is to encourage the dragon to leave, not outright slay it.
Rarity: Reason before combat is the best policy in this situation.
Twilight Sparkle: A dragon fight should be a last resort.
Fluttershy: Y-yes, please, let’s not fight the d-dragon…
Rainbow Dash: …Freaking Diplomancers, all of you.