Page 299 — Mostly Dead All Day
When in doubt, Princess Bride.
Now might be a good time to mention that I'll be attending Everfree Northwest again this July 5th through 7th. I don't have anything special planned for while I'm there, but if they at least have the same gaming room setup as last year, chances are I'll be spending most of my off-time there, and it's all too likely something interesting will happen. We'll see.
Transcript:DM: Spike points you in the direction of a rocky field outside of Ponyville. On the way over, he is riding on Twilight’s back, hyperventilating into a paper bag.
Twilight Sparkle: Is this a bad time to ask just what the heck is going on?!
Spike: I-I already TOLD you!
Rainbow Dash: Nuh-uh. You said “Rarity” and some random words. I think it was, what, something about wooden dogs?
Fluttershy: She was taken into the woods?
Applejack: Digging holes was involved somehow?
Pinkie Pie: She was ambushed by a pack of wild jewels??
Spike: Alright, alright! Let me explain. …No, there’s too much. Let me sum up.