Page 542 — Ace Layman
After an unearthly nine days, I can say that the worst of the flu season is over for me. It's left me with a mild cough, a weird sleep schedule, and a great deal of fatigue, but I think I've crossed the threshold from "sick" to "better."
Unfortunately, that leaves me with a great deal of work to catch up on, not the least of which is Fallout is Dragons. I hoped to have Session 33 caught up by this morning, but I was more tired than I realized. So now it's "when it gets done." That said, I have no excuses for not having Session 34 (this Sunday's session) out by its normal time now.
Transcript:Applejack: …Hold on. I’d like to review something real quick.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh, can we figure out our next move first, since that’s a little more pressing?
Applejack: In a sec’. My head’s in detective mode right now. Luna, who else knew about your plans tonight?
Luna: <sigh> As I said before, my grand entrance was done on a whim. I did not warn Celestia before leaving Canterlot.
Applejack: Did you tell anypony?
Luna: None, save for… my personal guards.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, the cool-looking batponies! Wait, what about them?
Twilight Sparkle: Are you suggesting…?
Applejack: One or both of them’s on the payroll or a Guild member, and maybe even our mystery stallion.
Twilight Sparkle: Okay… And what do we do with that information?
Applejack: Eh, not necessarily anythin’. I just like knowin’ it.